Bridge Foundry and tech companies have a shared goal to create workplaces where everyone can thrive, each person achieving their potential to create software for the business.
Bridge Foundry is seeking companies that are committed to diversity and inclusion. Working with you, we can define clear steps to create effective, diverse, and inclusive working environments that will scale across the tech industry.
As an early adopter, you will have the opportunity to help define the program to meet your needs and pay it forward to help other companies in the future.
You will join a network of other companies that are actively working to make the software industry a better place.
We work in the tech industry. We have direct experience of systemic bias and we see it in practice every day. We’re working to transform our knowledge and practice into clear, replicable techniques that will work for anyone.
We’re coders, hackers and makers who have discovered a bug and have been working together to find a fix. We experiment, responsibly. We try something, evaluate what works, and iterate.
We’ve created this path by walking it. Bridge Foundry has over 9 years of experience creating diverse, collaborative teams who work together toward a common goal. We have developed some key research questions in collaboration with experienced research professionals.
We believe our techniques will work at scale and the research will validate that others can replicate this approach and achieve the intended effects.